Join our FREE weekly support groups

In order to build our peer support network, serve our existing community and welcome new members, we have moved all weekly meetings using the Zoom for Healthcare Professionals platform:

Of course, you decide when it feels safe to turn your camera on and can remain anonymous should you choose.

(We do not share your contact information with anyone. It will only be used in the event we need to reach you with any future changes to our support groups or if we identify new ways to support you!)

The Nursing Support Group

Meets Thursdays at 7 pm EST/4 pm PST. 

This group is dedicated to nurses, nursing students & CNAs. Our goal is to disrupt lateral violence & stigma through vulnerability, community & storytelling.

Fill out this form if you’d like to join the Nursing Support group:

Important: Your personal information will never be shared, your SAFETY is our number one priority and we believe adding these extra steps for security & validating entry are CRUCIAL.

The Healthcare Support Group

Meets on Mondays at 8 pm EST/5 pm PST .

Our goal is to disrupt lateral violence & stigma through vulnerability, interdisciplinary community building & storytelling. Students in all healthcare fields are welcome as well.

Fill out the following form if you would like to join the Healthcare Support group:

Be sure to check your email each week to receive access to each group.

Important: Your personal information will never be shared, your SAFETY is our number one priority and we believe adding these extra steps for security & validating entry are CRUCIAL.

If you have ANY QUESTIONS, please don’t hesitate to reach out to