Get Involved.
Help support Don't Clock Out by fundraising (as an individual or team) and/or by sharing your story.
Grassroots efforts.
Don’t Clock Out is a grassroots, healthcare worker led community organization & we need YOUR HELP to continue running our organization sustainably & ethically.
Consider helping us fundraise: while our services are free, we pay our facilitators and any contractors for their work as we reject the normalization of unpaid labor within the nonprofit industrial complex.
Fill out this form to learn more about getting
involved in our fundraising efforts!
Break Room Fundraiser
Building community together.

Create a storytelling profile.
Storytelling is a core value we share as an organization. We believe that we heal best through shared community and reject the culture of isolation surrounding mental health in healthcare.
Your lived experiences matter.
You deserve to be heard.
We would love to hear your personal stories regarding mental health, wellness and any experiences with moral distress you may have faced in healthcare.
We will be sharing the stories submitted across social media and other forms of media to raise awareness, build community and remind our fellow healthcare workers they are not alone in their experiences.
Build your storytelling profile here
Sharing Your Stories.